Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why do I Blog?

If you have ever posted in an environment like Microsoft's public news server, one subtle detail that irks me is its data retention policy. It regularly purges posts from everyone, losing many outstanding answers until someone Googles for them.

Or, have you ever dawned on a great idea, revelation, or answer that may or may not be useful to you, but you do not want the thought to disappear into oblivion?

Or, do you happen to be skilled in particular trade(s) and just want that "non-documented" domain knowledge to be persisted through time and retain an identity?

Well, these are some of the motivating factors behind why I am blogging. I want to capture as many useful and insightful thoughts that I come across, both personally and otherwise, give it context/identity, and persist it in a publicly searchable fashion such that others may benefit from it.

Anyways, on to the blog!



Anonymous said...

So this is the atom feed?

David Wang said...

bernard - Yes. I put the feed link onto the sidebar as well.
